Procrastination and Productivity: A Match Made in Heaven/Okay. So...approximately 100 people responded to my last post and said that they would be willing to answer some tough questions in order to help me out with
Use My Babies Well, the play I am currently writing (or on some days, the play I am avoiding writing!)
I can't tell you how grateful I am for your willingness to help out. I am interested in hearing from people of all ages, genders, backgrounds, nationalities and occupations, so please don't feel like your input won't be useful. It will!
I have listed the questions below.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ONLY ANSWER THE QUESTIONS YOU WANT TO ANSWER. NEVER FEEL LIKE YOU HAVE TO ANSWER SOMETHING THAT MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE. Also, if you can't figure out how to say something in English, feel free to write that part of your answer in your first language (and say what that language is!) and I will translate it.
PLEASE EMAIL ME YOUR ANSWERS -- DO NOT POST THEM ON THE COMMENTS PAGE, so that this information is not available for everyone to read. I've come up with an ingenious system (well...ingenious for someone who's only had
one coffee today) to avoid overloading my email accounts. Here it is:
If your last name begins with a letter between A and L, please send your answers to:
If your last name begins with a letter between M and Z, please send your answers to:
Here are the questions, and again...please do not answer anything you don't want to answer. Some of them are very personal, and who the heck am I?! (Some girl who was on Stargate once!) This information is for me and me alone -- it will inform my play, but it will not end up
in my play. It will also not be shown to other people.
Please include the question numbers or the questions themselves in your response. Here goes...
1) What is your age?
2) What is your gender?
3) What country/city do you live in?
4) Have you ever read or seen Shakespeare’s
Richard III,
Macbeth or
5) If so, was there anything you could relate to in these plays, or did they seem very removed from your life?
6) Has anyone ever taken revenge on you (even in a small way) for something you did to them, or for something they thought you did to them? Have you ever taken revenge on someone for something?
7) Approximately how many physical fights have you had in your life? If so, how and why did ONE of these fights begin?
8) Do you ever fear for your life when you are out alone in your town/city? Why or why not?
9) What is one situation in which someone has treated you badly in order to move up in the world?
10) What is your definition of a “sexual assault”?
11) What is one act of physical or emotional violence that you have encountered in your life and how has it affected your life? (Please feel free to skip this question if it is too personal for you to answer.)
12) What is one story in the news that had a significant impact on your life, and why do you think it affected you so much?
13) Have you ever experienced war first-hand?
14) Have you ever seen a movie that you felt was too violent? If so, which one?
15) Name one violent movie that you love.
16) If you could start your life over again, would you choose to be a man or a woman?
If you are 24 or younger, please answer the following questions. If you are 25 or older, please answer questions 25-33 instead.17) If you have brothers or sisters, do you get along with them?
18) Is there any jealousy in your family? If so, who is jealous of whom, and how does it present itself?
19) Do you consider yourself to be a person who has a lot of friends?
20) Are most of your friends from school, the internet, or other?
21) Do you have any friends online who you have never met?
22) Do you/have you ever felt afraid to speak up in class? If so, what made you afraid?
23) Do you think that parents should be allowed to spank their children as a form of punishment?
24) Name five of your favorite movies!
If you are 25 or older, please answer the following questions:25) Do you have children? If so, are you concerned for your children’s safety in the town/city you live in?
26) If you do NOT have children, would you like to have children? Is there anything in particular in the world today that makes you hesitant to have children?
27) Were you ever bullied as a child or as a teenager?
28) Did you ever bully anyone (even verbally) as a child or as a teenager?
29) What is or what was the biggest difference between your belief system and that of your parents?
30) In a relationship, what is one thing that you absolutely would not stand for?
31) Have you ever been attacked by a stranger?
32) Have you ever been attacked by someone you know?
33) Did your parents use any kind of physical punishment against you as a child or was it only verbal?
I'll put up a fun post soon, I promise...