I never take photographs. I never have.
Okay, okay, that's not exactly true. I took photographs for about two months when I was ten years old after buying a sassy white Minolta in England with my grandfather, but when I got the film developed (don't you miss that?) the pictures were truly terrible. For starters, they were all of cats. And not just the twenty seven cats belonging to my grandparents...I took pictures of random cats, too. Yup. Raaaandom British cats. Creepy. And what's more, they were all out of focus or appeared to have been taken in the dark. Under water. With something that looks a lot like Tinkerbell somewhere in the shot, usually in front of something important. Let's just say that I am severely artistically challenged (like can't-draw-a-happy-face challenged) and photography is no exception.
And so I return to my point. I never take photographs. The problem is that I keep wanting to post photos (because they're more fun and they take less time than writing an essay about my ulcer-in-training) but I have a limited selection to choose from. So I stole this one from M's desktop! Gee, I hope he doesn't find out. (Hi M, if you're reading this. How's it going? Hope you're having a nice day. Um...I uploaded one of your photos. Hope that's okay. At least you don't have a near-beard in this one, right? It could be worse. You should count your lucky stars. And while you're at it, can you buy some Orangina for tonight?)
The picture above was taken during my whirlwind week of McKay and Mrs. Miller-ing. And I took it (with M's camera). And it has no cats in it. And I don't know if you noticed, but those no-cats are completely in focus, in the daylight, with nothing even resembling Tinkerbell anywhere near them. Nice!
Speaking of cats...the members of PHARK (well, mostly just P and his now-traumatized friend) had a nasty Rufal scare yesterday. (YES. I turned my cat's name into an adjective. YES. I KNOW. I'VE OFFICIALLY LOST IT. I KNOW.) I was out petting other animals at Riverdale Farm (awesome place with happy animals that make me glad I don't eat meat), so Rufus decided that he would take that opportunity to try skydiving. He climbed up to the highest ledge in the loft, got stuck, and kept losing his balance and slipping (thanks in part to the kind folks who decided to amputate his claws). Luckily, P was home creating some filmic work of genius with a friend of his...and they saved the day. If they hadn't been home, Rufus would have fallen twenty five feet, hitting a chandelier, a kitchen table that used to be a printing press (NOT soft), and two metal chairs on his way down. Needless to say, I don't think he would have made it out unscathed. Now I have to lock him in my bedroom every time I go out, so that he doesn't attempt suicide again. I can only imagine the damage he'll do in there. I'm fully expecting to come home today to swear words on the walls (made of little paw prints) and shredded photos on the floor. At the very least, he'll fish some gum out of the garbage can, chew it, and leave little dribbles of it everywhere. (Second-hand gum is his favorite food. Perfect.) Anyway...P is my favorite letter in PHARK today. Thanks, P.
Just to update you: I am no longer dependent on coffee (well...only one a day), I have exercised three times this week (if you count stretching) and my new vice is actually the anti-vice: de-alcoholized beer. If you put tasty stuff in it, it almost tastes good too. (Wow, I should go into advertising.) I have not written a single page of my play yet, but I am going to watch Richard III today (as research -- I swear). The weather is gorgeous (FALL! YAAAAAAAAAY!) and life is fun. It really is.
The very last episode of 11 Cameras is on tonight (7:30pm and 11:30pm in Canada only, on CBC) and McKay and Mrs. Miller is on tomorrow night! Ahhhhhh! Of course, we don't get SGA here, so I won't see it until 2017, but I hope you guys enjoy it. Maybe you could take pictures of the t.v. or something. (That was a joke. Even though I may, possibly, potentially, perhaps, once have taken polaroids of a car commercial because I was in love with one of the actors. Maybe.) After you watch the episode (if you can) go to the Unspun Theatre website and see if you notice any strange coincidences!
One quick thing before I go: MY DAD READS THIS BLOG. MY BRITISH DAD. MY BRITISH, OLD-FASHIONED, CAPTAIN VON TRAPP DAD. Just bear that in mind if you're posting a comment that may or may not involve bodily fluids!
Thanks for all the amazing music suggestions, the linguistic challenges, the artwork, the photos and the insight into your lives (even the insights involving bodily fluids!) It's nice to know you(s)! Don't worry, I don't actually say 'yous'.
Lol second hand gum :D
Totally cool pic!
Ah, like I said in an earlier comment, it is possible that Rufus needs a cat therapist. I mean, really, now he's suicidal. This is not good. Professionals should be consulted. Just kidding, glad he's OK. In high school, our cat got caught in the chain of the garage door opener as the door was closing. Clearly very traumatic. Especially for my poor brother, who had to get her unstuck and take her to the vet. She lived, but it was close and she was always quite cranky after that. Speaking of brothers and the like, its so nice to see that your family is close and you like your brother and sisters. It makes me feel more normal. Apparently, we are in the minority of people in their 20's who actually enjoy the company (or ridiculousness) of their families! Even their parents! However, I will keep any bodily fluid discussions to myself, in deference to your father. Of course, I'm a PhD student in the field of impact biomechanics, and that often involves distaseful stories about what exactly we are testing. Anyway, I'm glad Rufus is OK, and I hope you are, too.
I would delet my Blog insteantly if my dad would read it.. luckly the personal stuff is freinds locked and he hasn't a clue about me and my online life (he wouldn't even have one if I woudl talk to him more then 2 times a year *lol*)
Anyway, don't fear abour McKay and Mrs: Miller you could buy the DVDs to see it before 2017.. or just go and snag David's *bg*
well.. or you dowload it ;)
There are always ways to get to see SGA eps before airing.. did I told you that we still are the first half of season 2!?! (sorry, but that bother me, this stupid TV, stupid channels, I really get agressions over this topic.. it's like education systems.. I rteally could freak out about that.) So..luckly I don't depend that much on TV.. hardly watch anything on it (ok..only we have the FIFA world cup here^^ I really would want to have a canadian team in it and it beats the USA *lol* well this time the czech did it.. oh jee too fangirl-ish ehere becaus ethere was a slash FF about that with Sheppard and radek... sorry stoo much SGA in my bllod.. I should stop taking drugs which you can short cut with letters...)
Back to leadership
nice photo. were PHARK compleatly on set? or just MK? (why does that seems like a short cut for McKay? *hides*)
btw you are bad! well in a good way actually.. I get so exiting reading your entries (almost seems you're "one of us" like you would say in the lion king) that I read them so fast that I only get the half of them and have to read them again.
I know I sound a bit scary.. t's just you bright my day and that really mean something. So that's a long and strange way to say THANK YOU SO MUCH! for beeing who you are and do what you're doing :)
Cats seem to be classically trained to try to commit suicide from hights. Which is both sad and funny at the same time.
I can't wait for SGA tomorrow night. It's going to be fab. AbFab. You'll be fab in it too.
For a person who claims not to take very good pictures, this one seems pretty good. Most people get better at it once they are adults. And poor Rufus! It sounds like he is trying to have a second kittenhood, or he is wanting everyone's attention. I'm glad P was there and hope he has recovered from the incident.
Looking forward to tomorrow's SGA (I don't miss it or SG-1 unless i HAVE to) It can't help but be good. And thank you for all your links. I've taken quick looks at them and will study them in much more detail in a few days when I get some vacation time from work. But I already wish I lived closer to Torono...the plays just look too good to NOT see.
Hi Kate :)
A great pic again,as usual. :)
And also thanks for putting up a link for the trailer of Warriors of Terra. I really enjoyed watching it and I've put it on my 'movies to see-list'.
At the very least, he'll fish some gum out of the garbage can, chew it, and leave little dribbles of it everywhere. (Second-hand gum is his favorite food. Perfect.)
WOW,I always thought my cat was the only one who ate gum. Maybe it's a Canadian cat thing. :)
Almost McKay & Mrs Miller time.
I think this is the most awaited episode of the whole season.
I can't wait to see it (not on tv since there is no SGA on tv yet. We're getting the first season here on saturday)
I have not written a single page of my play yet, but I am going to watch Richard III today (as research -- I swear)
You've not written anything yet? Bad bad you :p. Have fun watching Richard III. May it bring you lots of inspiration.
Some more Dutch:
kroonluchter - chandelier
keukentafel - kitchen table
wervelwind - whirlwind
dieren - animals
kauwgum - chewing gum
lichaamsvloeistoffen - bodily fluids
Ahaha I'm so glad me and my housemate aren't the only people in the world who take photos of the TV. We paused a Without A Trace DVD and Eric Close looked SO SMOKIN' HOT we couldn't press play again without recording the event.
Ahhhh the difficulties of parents braving the wilds of the internet. I cunningly divided my life into two sections, the bit they can hear about and stuff THEY SHALL NEVER KNOW EVER IN A MILLION YEARS which I post at a completely different site. So far, it has worked like a charm *crosses everything*
Looking forward to your SGA debut! I'm sure it will be entirely awesome.
Also, hello Captain von Trapp Father. In case you happen to be reading this *waves cheerily*
Perhaps Rufus falling in love!
Lovely pic! David looks a little pained... reminds me of an expression that my (todddler) niece wears when she's does something naughty or hmm, when she needs to uh visit the little girl's room! :D
Great to hear that you're doing well with the exercise - I wish I could say the same for myself but alas I haven't been to the pool in a couple of months. It's spring here now so maybe I'll start swimming again soon.
Here's a pic of the pool in summer:
I'm not much of a photographer, unlike my sister, and I blame this pic entirely on the camera; making the colours more vivid!
BTW, I will catch you on SGA this weekend - looking forward to it! :)
It's so good to hear from you again Kate. You have such a way with words and the amazing ability to paint such a vivid picture of any situation. I can just see Rufus hanging on for dear life and the revenge paw print graffiti.
There must be something about that age with kids, cameras and cats. My daughter keeps taking my digital camera and filling up the memory with hundreds of photos of her cat doing cat stuff.
I love the photo even if David looks like he's only 4 feet tall. Of course, that's no fault of the photographer. ;) It's just David being David and that's what we love. Thanks for posting it.
I can't wait until tomorrow nights episode of SGA. I am thinking about skipping our home field football game just for it. I hate football anyway. Watching an episode after it is recorded is not the same as watching it live. I wonder why that is; a mental thing I suppose.
Take care and have a wonderful day.
Until next time.....
poor Rufus!
Second hand gum...that's a new one...saying that my dog likes to eat tennis balls so...
You should see my attempts at photography...I go out, take about about 100-odd photographs...out of that, maybe two of them are actually good and get to go online!
Well since you won't get to see McKay and Mrs Miller when it airs, try this site - http://www.stargatecaps.com
It'll probably have screen captures of the entire episode up sometime on Saturday!
If either or my parents were anywhere near my blog...*shudder* I dread to think! lol
I'm going through playwriting angst too, so you are not alone in this! Though just how much research can be done with Richard III is beyond me.
::sending you good writing vibes::
The pictures are hysterical, thank you for overcoming your picturephobia to post them!
I know exactly where you're coming from on taking pictures of random animals. Take heart, it could be worse - I went to the Lake District, and seriously, 90% of my pictures were of sheep. Not the gorgeous vistas, but sheep (they were so cute!). And I was twenty, so I have no excuse.
I hope you enjoy Richard III, even if it is totally anti-York Tudor propaganda and he didn't have a hunchback! Just kidding (mostly), it's a great play, but he really did get a bum rap. I'd love to hear what you think of the play!
Thanks so much for your continued posts - you are such a hoot!
PS - you're braver than I am; I won't even tell my parents the address for my blog. :)
Hmm, am considering incorporating "rufal" into my vocab. Sounds rather ominous...
Tell that cat of yours to take care! Nine lives ought to be used for death-by-chocolate and other, more delicious suicides.
Happy McKellen/Bening watching!
Poor Rufus. Perhaps he's feeling the pressure of his sudden fame, and is worried about you having enough Rufal(!) material for your posts. Or maybe he decided to try base jumping as a form of exercise.
[This comment was brought to you by the letter R and an amazing lack of bodily fluids.]
Strictly speaking I shouldn't be able to get SGA here in the UK either....not till mid Oct anyway....but a broadband connection and a certain citrus sounding file share program means I'm up to date with every snarktastic comment in McKay land. What can I say I'm an impatient bugger!
Poor Rufus, it's a shame that cats never learn from their mistakes. Mine, Henry if your curious, got stuck 25ft up the pine tree in our back garden the first week we moved in, trying to catch a squirrel...he would then sit moaning on the branch till poor old dad got the ladder out. He repeated the process four times before he realized that it was perhaps in his best interest to leave the squirrels alone.
I'm assuming the bodily fluids remark was directed at me.
Sorry about that. My own folks don't ever read anything I write so I didn't even think about that. Also, I don't ever really think of it as "taboo" so much since I deal with it regularly.
My apologies.
... People have been posting about bodily fluids?
*pinches bridge of her nose*
I have no words.
1) What I do want to know is how Rufus hauled his plus-sized fuzz up to a ledge. That's pretty impressive, in a disturbingly suicidal way.
2) Fall most definitely = YAY.
3) What, the film version of Richard III, or live? Love the anachronisms in the film.
4) Since I gave you the pronunciation of 'Kate' in Cherokee, may as well go on and add 'David'. De-wi-dv (Daywee-d ... erm, the v is pronounced like 'un' in French). Or, more likely, 'Davy'. De-wi (Day-wee). Nice and twee. ;)
And 'Rufus', would probably be Quu-quu-sa (kwoo-kwoo-sah) - which can be growled ominously, Kung-Fu style, should he trash your bedroom.
Be well, Kate!
Heh. David looks like he doesn't have much faith in how the picture will come out. M. (and we now know what that stands for, thanks to the name of the picture) looks like he's amused about the result in advance. I like it.
You have Orangina where you live!! Yum. It always reminds me of sunshine and holidays in France.
I'll never get why people would want to declaw a cat?!? If they don't want scratches on their furniture or something, than they shouldn't get a cat; nails are part of the deal. (I'm all for neutering by the way.)
Oh, and your dad probably already knows about those bodily fluids, I wouldn't worry about that ;)
(I get the message though; we'll try and behave.)
Salut !
Contente de voir un autre message de votre part !
Pauvre Rufus ! J'espère qu'il va bien quand même...
J'aime bien la photo; surtout les expressions. J'imagine:
-David: "Aller prends la ta photo, on n'a pas que ça à faire !" (NB: sa première réplique en français !)
-M (il prend un air dubitatif)
J'espère que vous aller aimé Richard III...une pièce de Shakespeare, c'est ça ?
Ah Shakespeare...j'ai été voir une de ses pièces lors de mon séjour en Angleterre, Mac Beth...j'ai rien compris ! Je faisais un effort surhumain de concentration pour comprendre au moins un mot sur dix...mais rien à faire...au final j'étais écrouler de rire et avec mes amis (aussi étrangers) on se demandait même qui était MacBeth. Dépitée, ma famille d'accueil m'a passé le script de la pièce. Tout en vieil anglais... Le mystère s'éclaircissait: c'est donc pour ça que je n'ai rien compris ! Déjà que le vieux français c'est limite...
Bref !
"J'ai bien aimé les costumes" (LA phrase vexante quand on ne sait pas quoi dire d'un spectacle...lol!)
Ah et pour voir McKay et Mrs Miller...moi non plus je ne peux "théoriquement" pas le voir tout de suite. Cependant, allez voir sur Youtube.com environ 28 heures après la diffusion de l'épisode...(mots clés: Stargate Atlantis et triez par dates). Je sais, ce n'est pas bien...mais la passion et la curiosité sont trop fortes !
PS: Encore merci de m'avoir laisser un petit mot...peut-être en aurai-je d'autre ?!
PS(2): Bonne lecture ! ;)
My cat has had an adventure or two. In the photo he has usurped the dog's bed and is reveling in it. Tuftie spends a good portion of his days outside in good weather, even though it is supposedly illegal to let your pets roam here. Like you could keep a cat in your yard?? If I try to keep Tuftie in, he, um, "marks" all the rugs in the house until I get the message that he's really, really not happy. As long as we let him out at night, he behaves beautifully when he's in. Anyone, at one point he had discovered that if he climbed up the car and jumped onto the open garage door, he could lie up there and gaze on the world from a height. Unfortunately, he couldn't be seen by anyone IN the garage when he did that.
One morning I jumped in the car, pulled out, hit the remote to close the garage door, and drove off. Unbeknownst to me, my poor cat was frantically running along the garage door like he was on a treadmill, trying to keep from falling down the front. He almost made it. The door closed with him stuck over the top, pinched in the midsection. He's not fat, but he's a very large cat, so I don't like to even think about what that was like. Luckily my husband was home, because I was gone for an hour and it honestly still makes me sick to think of him hanging there waiting for rescue. It was only a couple of minutes before my husband identified the source of the wailing and opened the door for him.
Although the vet gave him a clean bill of health and he has completely recovered, he was one sore cat for a while. He laid on the hearth and hardly moved for several days. He has not climbed up on the garage door since, although he occasionally will lie on top of the car.
wooow!! super post... le petit rayon de soleil de la journée (même si ici, il commence à faire nuit). pauvre petit rufus, mon chien virus a aussi essayé de se jeter dans le vide (de la fenêtre du 1er étage quand même!) mais lui, il est un peu débile (mais gentil).
pour mckay & mrs miller, je ferai des captures d'écran dès que j'ai l'épisode. CA VA ETRE SUPER!! vivement!!!
richard III, intéressant... je crois qu'un de mes acteurs préférés a joué dedans (robert downey jr... hum que du bonheur!). personnellement, je ne suis pas vraiment fan de shakespeare (à part romeo&juliette) mais j'aime bien la façon tout à fait exquise qu'il a de tuer tous les personnages. on a lu 'antoine&cleopâtre' à la fac et c'était bien marrant... enfin, les différentes morts étaient très imaginatives!
daddy hewlett parle ou lit le français? peut-être pas... HELLO, SIR HEWLETT... HOW DO YOU DO? (il paraît que les britanniques aiment bien les formules du genre)
bon courage pour la pièce... j'espère qu'on en aura un mini aperçu bientôt! ;-)
You'll find that Rufus made little effigies of you and he'll be looking for the lighter when you get home. Er, or is only Southern US cats that use voodoo? On a more serious note, good to hear that Rufus made it through the ordeal unscathed. *sends virtural skritches to him*
Digital cameras are your friend. You can take loads of shots until you get a keeper. Wait, I didn't just type that. Every photo I take is perfectly composed, never turn out blurry. I'm a professional, after all.
Don't worry, you haven't lost it. It's called being creative. At least that's what I tell myself. Often.
Your dad sounds brilliant because he sounds just like mine. Even though I'm 34 he still treats me like his little angel.
Glad to hear that Rufus got through his jaunt okay. :D
Another great photo! David's expression - that is such a Rodney look. "Oh for... fine, just take the damned picture. Some of us have important work to do like, oh, I don't know... saving the city? Again?"
My wife and my daughter have a thing about photographing cats. We until recently had four felines - well, a cat's human knows that really, the cats have you - all named after HP characters. I believe at last count we have close to 1000 digital images of them from kittenhood forward.
...okay, yeah, I took a few of them, too. *ahem*
Glad to hear that R escaped his escapades... that reads wrong, doesn't it? Glad to hear that R is all right. =)
So... I don't think I ever took photos of the TV, but I did once record the "soundtrack" to Grease II by holding my cassette recorder (remember those blocky things with the orange 'record' button in the middle of the big black 'play' button?) up to the TV speaker during the songs.
Huh. I think I'm date-stamping myself with that one...
Thanks for the pics, and the quips, and the new words (Rufal!) and the insight into life as a Hewlett. Your blog is an absolute blast to read.
Hi, M!
Hi, Kate and David's Da!
Awww, Rufus... good thing your roommate was there to save him. Luckily the highest my adventure cat has climbed was an 'easy' 7 ft built in shelf. The fun part was when she jumped down, and unluckily broke one of mom's glass candle holders. Both cat and mom were fine.
Congrats on the health front... though de-alcoholized beer? Erm.. okay. And yes.. Fall is wonderful! We're starting to get our first taste of it here in south Mississippi which means it's still hot but you can now go outside and not be drowned in sweat the minute you walk out the door.
Oh, wait.. that's bodily fluids related.... 미안합니다 (mi-ahn-ham-nida / sorry).
Too bad we don't get 11 Cameras here in the States, but definately looking forward to your SGA episode tomorrow. Don't worry, screencaptures will likely start surfacing all over the internet within hours of the first showing. *wanders off to bookmark Unspun Theater website for later comparisons*
Hi Captain Von Trapp Dad! *waves*
Funny pic of "M" and the man-who-might-be-your-brother. And the photo looks fine - well done! No need to worry about your artistical skills when it comes to photographs. :)
I'm really looking forward to M&MM! The long wait is finally over. I hope you'll get a chance to see the ep before 2017. Let's just say, I'd normally have to wait until the end of 2008 to see it. But there's now way I could wait that long...
Anyway, I'm sure you'll find hundreds of caps on the net when the episode aired!
And taking photos of the TV? I felt silly when I did that, but I did it, back when I was a teenager, when there was no internet and thus no easily accessible source for news and pics of the band I loved (and still love) so much - R.E.M.
So I recorded their videos from MTV and took photos of that then. These photos looked incredibly awful, but I loved them then. Still have them somewhere.
Your Dad reads this blog? Ok, no dirty jokes then. :) (Right now I don't even remember a dirty joke...)
My parents know that I have a Livejournal, but they never ever looked at it.
Well, I think they didn't.
Nah, I'm pretty sure they didn't.
No. They didn't.
I made a verb out of my brother's dog's name: "I was Bobbied." (Bobby likes to take things outside, chew what he can and discard the rest.)
Cats do seem to like the high places. One of the cats I grew up with managed to get herself stuck in the chimney-type thing we had in our house when she was a kitten. I'm still a little hazy how my brother and my father got her out.
Hi Kate,
That's a great pic of M and David. I actually still develop my film. I don't have a digital camera. Of course at times I wish I did, because there are 9 rolls of film waiting to be developed on my shelf. They have been there for about a year now. lol
Mckay and Mrs Miller. I just saw a preview for that and I swear the next 24 hours are going to be the longest ever. I think all Stargate/Atlantis fans are looking forward to it.
Rufus was probably just stretching his muscles. Glad he didn't get hurt. My cat Willow has scared me several times like that. She's always getting into something.
Wow, your dad reads this too. *waves to Kate's Dad*
This is going to seem odd... but I atually can take pictures of TV... I have a woderful thing on my computer... A TV tunner.. and I am infact recoding it onto my PC because i have to work.. but I can't wait!
The way you speak of Rufus, he reminds me of a cat my friend has. This cat would sit at the edge of the bed or couch while you were sleeping and just stare at you. Then you wake up with a cat glaring at you or right in your face giving you this "look" of doom. Rufus really sounds like this cat.... and happens to even look like my friend's cat Stumpy.
Cats scare me...
Don't leave it in your room all day alone!
I'm so sorry Rufus had this kind of "adventure." He probably got up there and then realized "Oops. I didn't mean to do this, exactly." My mink Tonkinese used to like to "fly" our diningroom hanging lamp, but she has all her claws.
You know, I have friends on LJ who have parents who read their blogs, and still I end up being surprised whenever someone says their parental units read their blog *G*. Probably this is because right up until he died four years ago, my Dad would scrunch up his face and grumble: "Explain this webby thing to me again."
I read your post shortly after noticing that my own feline darling had fallen asleep inside my handbag! Don't ask me why she chose that particular spot, 'cause she's a fully grown cat and my handbag won't fit much more than my purse. All I could see was a pair of ears sticking out of the zipper. Strange little devils aren't they.
Kee, love the picture! (And it just shows how much World of Warcraft I've been playing when you call David a "gnome" and all I can think of is "Huh...he'd actually make a good gnome; great stats." ...yeah, I know dorky).
Suicidal cat, eh? I'll see that and raise you my suicidal goldfish. Yup. It wasn't enough for her to simply leap out of her fishbowl and land five feet onto a tiled counter gasping for air, she then had to flop her way towards an electrical socket. Thank God my dad was there to find her (she was literally an inch away from being a fried fishy). Strange behavior for a goldfish (but then, she had just laid some eggs).
And if I can, I'll try and send ya a copy of McKay and Mrs. Millar just so you can see it before 2017. *grins* It's the least we can do for all these amusing posts. I look forward to seeing your Atlantis debut!
Amo quell'immagine!
It's just perfect that you'd post it just in time for McKay & Mrs. Miller tonight!!
Don't say "last" episode of 11 Cameras, Kate. We are still hopeful of a second season and a cage match between Andrea and Irina (although can Richard really be considered a prize?) It would be a shame for Andrea to go out with her tail between her legs.
When I was seven, I visited the isle of man and decided to conduct a photographic study of the different kinds of cats on the island, both "stumpies" and "rumpies". I don't know if you knew this, but on the isle of Man, they have a special breed of cat, the manx. The manx has no tail (or rather only partial tail) and has longer hind legs that allow it to hop rather like a rabbit. Anyway, as a child I was fascinated by these cats and managed to take THREE films' worth of photos *sigh*
As for poor Rufus, the poor, poor baby! The thing is, cats LOVE to be on the highest point of the room, it's totally natural for them. I'm so glad the others were there to rescue him or Lord knows what would have happened!
As usual, lovely to read your entry!
wasn't Captain Von Trapp like Swiss? never mind...
The chap that played your husband looks remarkably like Brendan Gall from UnSpun. Is that what you were alluding to?
You're cat wants to commit suicide?? it's very very crazy.... Or it realized the world is cruel for cats. (it may saw something about chineses who ate cat.... I don't know)...
Oh I can't see McKay and Mrs Miller, next year but I was very disappointed not to can... I thought on thi episode friday night in my little bedroom in the boarding-school...
I've to put a poster of SGA in it!!!!! and photos of whisky even if I'm not alcoholic... (not even beer without alcohol: I don't like beer. every time I want to drink one I can't finish it. *that's my life*
I've to say your blog and your cat's adventures miss me during the week... I'm addict to it(and to the series, and tea with milk and coffee even if infact I don't drink a lot of coffee *boulet*)
Anyway... (I've never understood what's this word means but my englished teacher used it about 50 times by hour so...)Infact,not an anyway....
Oh yes!!! The photos!!!
Does David has the sun in his face??? because he has a strange head on the picture... so i thought... *boulet*
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