Friday, September 15, 2006

photo by Lisa Pharkin' Stanton

Lisa Pharkin' Stanton/

She's gorgeous. She's smart. She has created the images for COUNTLESS theatre posters and publicity shots for her demanding actor-friends (including me). She takes photographs of flowers that make me feel guilty for eating vegetables. She's Lisa Stanton, ladies and gentlemen, and this weekend you can see (and even buy!) some of her amazing photographs (if you live in Ontario, I guess, or if you're visiting from Australia/New Zealand in order to escape all the Russellcrowian controversy. Okay, that is officially the WORST adjective I have ever invented.)

Lisa will be at booth #15, in the RED section of Trinity Bellwoods Park (I don't know what that means, but it sounds hot) for the Queen West Art Crawl this coming weekend. Interestingly enough, this is also the weekend that was supposed to mark the end of the "research phase" of my new "play". If "research" actually translates to "watching movies", or "taking Rufus on unnecessary overnight adventures", or "finding out more about Fall fashion", then I've met my deadline and possibly even exceeded my own expectations. In facte, I'm patting myseff on the bak as I writee thhis (thus the spelling mistakes. One-handed typing is tough.)

So if you can, go and see Lisa's amazing work in Trinity-Bellwoods Park tomorrow or Sunday!

Also...I want to tell you about a concert I went to on Tuesday. Wednesday? Wednesday. Monday? Oh god, the procrastinatory guilt is making the days bleed into one another. Anyhow...the band was absolutely incredible. The lead singer/songwriter's name is Colin Munroe. Watch for him, because he's going to be famous. He has a beautiful voice, his lyrics are amazing, he plays every instrument under the sun (well, at least three of them) and the members of his band are charismatic and fantastically talented. I even bought his cd. So did P, which means that one of us wasted ten whole dollars, and I'm not even upset about it. BECAUSE THE CD IS JUST THAT GOOD.

Okay. Now a little update on PHARK. Rufus has just earned "most adaptable cat in Canada" status, because I brought him to M's place for two nights and he didn't blink an eye. He walked into the apartment, looked around, sniffed a few things, went about his usual business of knocking every object off every surface with his little boxing glove of a paw, and then lay down for a snooze in the middle of the living room floor. He did meow out a few complaints on the bus, but who wouldn't? I mean, we've already established that buses smell and make otherwise normal people evil. I'd meow on the bus too, if I wasn't so afraid of being judged.

A. is well on his way to star status. He shot the short film last week and is now busily working on the t.v. episode before heading off to London, Ontario for The Graduate. I haven't seen the others in days, so I have nothing to update. (Um...and I haven't asked their permission yet to share intimate details of their lives.)

Thanks to those who commented and let me know that they'd seen the Scotiabank commercial. That's how I found out it had aired! Now maybe I'll be able to pay my rent in October...or maybe I'll buy an iPod...hmm...

And to those of you who asked...yes, I read every comment. I don't take procrastination lightly, let me tell you. I am 100% committed to procrastinating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in as many languages as possible...uh...except when I'm sleeping, because that's important too.

The comments make me laugh. Lots. Every day. Thanks for that.

Now I'm going to go and answer interview questions, which is actually quite a productive form of non-productivity.

p.s. If you'd like to see more of Lisa Stanton's photography, please visit her blog at:


Blogger Flo said...

stardom is yours if you're so light about answering interview questions... hum...

your procrastination seems to be of the most productive kind! amazing!!

oh! and thanks for reading all this nonsense!

1:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salut !
Tout d'abord (je sais ça n'a aucun rapport avec le sujet), je voulais vous remerciez car c'est en partie grâce à vous que j'ai eu mes examens ! Votre commentaire sur mon blog (je sais ça paraît insignifiant comme ça voire légèrement stupide...) m'a boostée ! Du coup j'ai eu 15/20 en Science Politique ! Merci infiniment !

Je regrette de ne pas pourvoir voir cette exposition photos...ça a l'air vraiment bien ! Peut-être pourra-t-on espérer voir un jour le site internet de Lisa Stanton pour que tout le monde puisse admirer ses oeuvres?

La lecture des aventures des PHARK est toujours aussi amusante :D !

Bonne chance pour votre interview et pour le choix cruxial qui vous attend: Ipod ou loyer ?

1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Je viens de découvrir votre blog (après vous avoir vu dans McKay and Mrs. Miller, où vous étiez vraiment fantastique!!), et j'ai vu qu'on pouvait vous laisser des commentaires en français (O! Joie, moi qui suis héistante sur mon anglais!!)

Suivre les aventures de PHARK est très relaxante!! (ca peut paraître incroyable, mais c'est vrai!!)

Ohh quel choix crucial, le loyer ou le I-pod... Je ne saurais pas lequel choisir à votre place...:D

J'espère qu'on vous reverra bientôt dans stargate Atlantis, ou dans tout autre film ou série (si les chaines de télévisions françaises pouvaient se décider un jour ou l', car vous êtes très talentueuse!!

Bonne continuation pour votre blog, votre carrière!!!

1:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am in awe of your procrastination skills as well as your use of quotation marks up there. ::points upward::

In re taking one's cat on the bus. Once I was on a local city bus, and I started hearing this pathetic meowing. I figured someone had a cranky cat in a carrier. I heard a second pathetic meow, followed a few seconds later by a third. Suddenly, a beep, followed by "hello?" Turns out, the pathetic meow was just someone's chosen cell phone ring.

(Hoping this little anecdote amuses you during your procrastination.)

2:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kate,

I'm shocked, pleased and a little scared to know that you have read all of the comments made. I just wanted you to know that you sharing your life is greatly appreciated. Much success on "procrastinating" and the play.

2:24 PM  
Blogger elfgirl said...

What a beautiful photo!

I'd love to come and see her work in person but:

a) I'm in Atlanta.
b) I'm spending Saturday going on a pub crawl dressed as a pirate.

2:26 PM  
Blogger elfgirl said...

And, um, I wanted to say more than that, but my pinky got away from me and attacked the enter key.

And then I forgot what I was going to say in the ensuing embarrassment.


Going now.

2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kate,

when we go on vacation for a few weeks, we always bring our cat to my grandparent's house (they live about 10km from our home). He became used to it, even though he stays near to their house, because he's scared of the other cats ;)

I'd really like to see the Scotiabank commercial, but it's not on TV in Germany...

Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende!! ^_____^

2:30 PM  
Blogger salivia_baker said...

Lisa Pharkin' Stanton's pic in your post is really great. But I think the exhibition is a bit far away ;)
But let us (me) know if (when) she publish a book.

Our cat ran away when my mum took her out (on the way to the doc). So I'm glad Rufus wasn't! I'm always a bit afraid that such things happen.

reading all comments.. must be very distractive! btw you remember some names by now? Or just read through the text?

und wie sue so schön gesgat hat: "
Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende!!" Ich wünsch dir ein schönes, produktives, nicht zu anstregendes, erfreuliches und inspirierendes Wochenende :]

2:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I hear you on the procrastination. If I only had my personal deadlines, I would NEVER get anything done. I'm a teacher, and as it is, the homework just piles up. I get home, and my computer is just sitting there, so I have to blog and check blogs, go to my regular sites, and... putter on until It's late. Then, I have to get up after a few hours and quickly write lesson plans for the day.

Speaking of school... maybe I should be grading during my plan period instead of commenting on a blog...

2:54 PM  
Blogger Cygnet said...

What a beautiful picture! And the colors are just lovely. Looks like fiddlehead ferns to me. Thanks for sharing this with us. I've been lurking on and off and haven't had a chance to comment since i've been traveling but I wanted to let you know how much I'm enjoying reading your posts and you were fantastic in McKay and Mrs. Miller! I hope to see more of you on SGA sometime in the future.

Now get back to researching! *g*

3:03 PM  
Blogger crownglass39 said...

I love Lisa's photos of the ferns. The warm, soft lighting is just gorgeous.

Where I grew up we had a large lot of woods behind us where tons and tons of ferns would grow. I remember being scared sh*itless every spring because I thought all of the rolled up fern fronds were aliens or something. To be honest, they still look kind of creepy to me.

I hope your friend all the best in her show. Does she have a web site?

3:06 PM  
Blogger Emma said...

Really like the photo, does your friend have a website? Since being in the UK, and being a poor student, I don't think I'll be making it to any of her shows/displays any time soon.

3:17 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Rufus took the bus?! I haven't ridden on a bus since the last time I was in Germany. I like trains better.

Whom are you doing an interview for?! I ask so I know where to go to read/see it.

The bank commerical dosen't show down here in no luck in my seeing it. (Convince David to bring ADB to Florida!!)

Sono così felice leggete le vostre osservazioni. È piacevole conoscerli introito che cronometra!

3:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya know, reading other people's comments makes me wish I had kept on with the learning of French in school. Can't even remember what topic I gave it up for. *ponder*

And I agree with the rest of the comments about the photo, it's lovely. I just wish I could take interesting shots like that. :D

Hope the interview went well.

Annie - who is still having problems logging in even though I reset it! ARGH, I think Blogger hates me!!!!!!!!!

3:32 PM  
Blogger Rike said...

That's a gorgeous picture, but living on the other side of the world, I can't make it to Ontario by tomorrow. Sorry.

Oh and reading about places like London, Ontario or Berlin, Wisconsin amuses me to no end. I think there's a Hannover somewhere in the U.S.A., too. Weird.

Und soll ich hier wirklich noch was auf Deutsch schreiben? Das fühlt sich komisch an. Meine gesamten "Gespräche" übers Internet sind sonst auf Englisch. Schönes Wochenende, dir.


3:57 PM  
Blogger Becky L said...

Lisa's picture is just absolutely beautiful. I really wish I could go to the arts crawl, but like several other people here, I just live a little too far away. And to echo others as well - if she doesn't have her own site, she needs one!

Rufus sounds a lot like our cats: everything new must be examined and Categorized (bad pun I know):

Is it a worthy cat toy or not? If yes - it is ours. If no;

1) Can we make it a toy? If so we like it.

2) If we can't make it a toy, can we sit on it, lay on it or sharpen our claws on it? If yes, then we like it.

3) If it is not a toy, we can't make it a toy and we can't sit, lie or sharpen our claws on it, can we use it to get the attention of our human pets [cats do not consider themselves pets] when we feel they are distracted from us? (Say like reading blogs and posting comments.) If so, then we like it.

4) Is it food? If yes, what are you waiting for? Put it in the bowl.

5) If it is not a toy, can not be made into a toy, can not be sat on, laid on or used to sharpen claws, can not be used to get the human pet's attention and is not food, why did you waste the money to get it?

And if they like it, it is theirs.

Congrats to A. Sounds like things are going very well for him.

Hope you have a good weekend. Thanks for making us laugh too.

4:05 PM  
Blogger crazymom said...

I am 100% committed to procrastinating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in as many languages as possible...

Well, I always say there's no point in doing something halfway! It seems to me you can take pride in a job well done. Um, I'm supposed to be working now...

4:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh wow. Je n'étais réellement pas sûre que c'était vous dans la pub de la Banque Scotia. Ça vous ressemblait, mais j'ai la mauvaise habitude de toujours douter de ce que je vois.

Vous savez, un lecteur mp3 quelconque fait aussi bien l'affaire qu'un iPod (qui, d'ailleurs, coûte aussi uniquement à cause de sa marque de commerce) et avec de la chance vous pourriez avoir assez d'argent pour payer le loyer aussi ;)

Bon "procrastinage"! Hum... le mot sonne bizarre. Vous êtes une mauvaise influence ;p

5:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go with the iPod. Rent is great, but an iPod--especially a video iPod--makes riding the subway/bus/streetcar downtown all that much better. With music and video, people who become weird on the bus suddenly disappear.

Of course, sometimes, so does your stop.

5:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello again! Another post already!I see your writing went About the photo, as everyone said its fantastic, as all the others in her blog. It would be nice to see a little more of her work, as I enjoy photography a lot (at least looking at the work of the others, since I'm no big photographer..actually not even an average one), but I'm a little to far (not only in terms of kilometers but also in euros) to get to Ontario this weekend...

About the concert it was indeed on Tuesday (I checked the guy's site). Hum,from what I've heard in the site, its not really my type of music, so I can't say much good of it. At least I think it was not bad.

Your posts make us laugh too. So its a symbiotic thing. Except that you get to laugh 100+ times more in occasions. :p


6:31 PM  
Blogger Melibabe said...

I'm glad to hear my cat Omea isn't the only one who loves to play "clear the shelf." My older cat doesn't do it, she's of the "I'll daintily walk around everything looking as if I could walk on the ceiling if I wanted to" variety.

Omea, however, is the reason I have absolutely NO knick-knacks out in my house, and I always have to warn visitors to keep an eye on their drink glasses. :)

6:38 PM  
Blogger Wolf said...

Cat on a bus? Try 90 pound Doberman in a tiny Dodge Neon. I should've taken video the last time I loaded His Highness into my car. Usually when we go out to the state park here in Pennsylvania to hike up the Appalachian Trail, we take the truck, but well, last weekend I didn't have the truck, just the Neon. Which is usually littered with books and CD's all over the seats. In order to make room for His Highness Zeus, I had to move the mess onto the passenger seat and let him have the back. Of course, this is a highly excitable canine, so once we got to the trail he wouldn't wait for me to get out of the car and open the back door.

Imagine, a 90 pound Doberman doing the 'floor is moving!' tap dance on a dozen CD jewel cases! On a car seat that's one size too small. I should've taken video.

7:03 PM  
Blogger Amy Lynn said...

Still getting a kick out of reading your blog. Boy is your life way better then mine! Love the pictures of Rufus too! Cat lover all the way here!

7:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

g'day from Australia
you have one cool cat i must say. Your cat is doing well if it can sit stiil on the bus because i cant.

Also this is mostly nosense but i have a bird that thinks his a dog and he chases cats and crows on the ground, its quite funny and hes only a small bird hes a rainbow lorriket. Also when hes on the ground he hops about hes says shut up, Ashley(my name), wrestle when he lays on the ground and you wrestle with him. Hello what else yeah thats all i can think of now. he also lives outside and when the back doors open he runs in and you say get out and he runs out then you turn your back and hes at your feet. He also rides the bike to school (im a year 7) and he stays at school well thats only when when i asked for pet day, when hes at school and theres paper near himm he stats to chew i say go chew more no wait chew the homework. my bird also eats pancakes and i doubt thats good for him. But i have one strange bird. he also hate my brother he chases him around and hes atrally (ahh cant spell) quite fast my bird also lives out side. i think my bird needs help.

thanks for reading my gooblugsdhkafuhyuweyhuy stuff. cya

8:54 PM  
Blogger Bec said...

I am so impressed with your bus riding cat! Last time my cat went to the vet he squirmed out of his cage and ended up clinging to me :)

12:54 AM  
Blogger Misty aka s_aurius said...

Wow, my cats are nothing like Rufus in that manner. If I ever have to take them anywhere they talk the entire time...loudly. They're definitely homebody kinda cats. Fortunately the only time I have to get them out of the house is for the occasional vet visit and maybe once a year to a storm shelter because there's a tornado bearing down. That's always a fun time. High stress and upset cats! They seem to know the weather is bad too.

5:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello from Australia Kate!

I just saw McKay and Mrs Miller, and I am now firmly a Kate Hewlett fan...Your wonderful acting with David left me with tears in my eyes in that final scene of yours together.

Thankyou for your most amusing and entertaining blog! I hope to see more of your work in future :)

5:56 AM  
Blogger Chez said...

Okay.. I don't care what anybody says, but now that you've mentioned Australia and New Zealand so many times, you HAVE to come to Australia and NZ! I hear/read that David's comming to visit us in 2007 for 2007 stargate convention (Armmagedon or something), but stuff that.. we should just get you on board instead! haha. j/k. It would be great if both of you could come down this way plus you could promote ABD while you're at it!

Oh and you must give us tip on your procrastination.. I love doing that but seem to run out of stuff to procrastinate on.. then end up staring off into space....

Okay back to why I'm posting... Lisa's picture looked absolutely captivating. I know nothing about photography but I do know what I like, and I don't know.. the colours I think really highlight the whole picture for me!

I wish I could see this infamous scottish bank commercial.. oh well the perils of living half way across the world! Anyway Back to procrastinating, I really should stop cause I actually do have an assingment due soon and I've barely starting.. look what a good/bad influence you're having on me! :P


10:09 AM  
Blogger BethyNYC said...

As head of the Procrastination Society, NY Division, I hereby welcome you!

(Well, there would be a proper Procrastination Society, if I didn't keep putting off organizing the damned thing...)

Fantastic picture!

11:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lisa's fantastic, isn't she? So much talent in one place (you, Lisa, P, A and everyone else!).

That's so good that Rufus is adaptable like that. My cat, Georgie, just throws a temper tantrum and refuses to eat, which means that she's had to stay living with my Mum and Dad and I only get to see her at Christmas and Easter :(

Very impressed with the procrastination. You are indeed a master!

T x

1:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just saw "McKay and Mrs Miller" a few days ago and when "Kate Hewlett" appeared in the opening credits I was like "Huh??? David Hewlett has a sister???" and when the episode was over I was more like "HEY! D.H. HAS A SISTER!" (and such a good looking one ;-)

I really liked that episode - it was just the right kind of mixture between fun (Meredith... *lol*) and more serious character development (McKay realizing a few thing about himself). Besides that, I really liked your acting and I hope that "A Dog's Breakfast" will be available on DVD or that I'll get the chance to see it (I'm living in germany so a screening is probably not *that* likely).

Uhmm - and by the way: Dein Blog ist wirklich lustig und es macht Spass es zu lesen. ;-)

1:29 PM  
Blogger Liloow-Vena said...

Well! hi!!!

infact I didn't read the entry...because I'm so tired to read english now, my week was exhausting (fatigante) and so I don(t feel like reading english....

But the picture, waou...
I like it very much, I find the colors perfect, she match the one withthe other, it's hard to say it in english so...
Je trouve que les couleurs vont biens ensemble, que l'image est tres suggestive avec ces deux plantes qui semblent se reagrder et peut etre s'embrasser.

There is love in nature!! so kind!!!

L'amour qui manque parfois est la a portée de nous!! c'est vraiment beau!!!!

see you!!

4:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kate,

I was pointed to your blog through a livejournal post. I have to say I really enjoy reading your posts, procrastination is a beautiful thing! *bg*

I'll get the fangirly stuff out of the way and say that I loved your appearance on "Atlantis" and would definitely like to see you back there. I also dorked out a little bit when I caught the Scotiabank commercial. *ahem* ;)

As for taking your cat on the bus, brave woman! Mine gets cranky riding in the backseat of my car, I couldn't imagine how she'd react to a bus.

The photo you posted is beautiful, too bad I'm not going to be in Toronto until Tuesday, and even then only for the day.

Okie doke, think I've bored you enough. Must continue with my own procrastination! ;)

5:43 PM  
Blogger Q said...

That picture rocks my socks off(besides the fact I'm not wearing any). I love pics that are like that. Whimsical, I say. Unfortunately for me I live in Virginia, a long way from Canada. Rufus sounds like a cool cat.My cat would meow like crazy on a bus and want out.Anyways, I think it's cool you take the time to read our comments. That shows a dedication to procrastination, and Procrastination is just the will to do something other than what you are supposed to. At least, that's my reasoning. Procratinators unite!.....tomorrow!

11:05 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Speaking of taking our little devils to the Vet...

I don't own a cat-carrier, so I wrap the beast in a towel, with only her head peeking out. Strangely enough, this doesn't enrage her but lulls her into a strange state of zen-like calm that lasts throughout the whole trip.

Even in the waiting room, full of dogs, cats and hamsters, Puss'n (as in Puss 'n Boots) is as quiet as a lamb. Then she stands stock still on the exam table and doesn't even flinch when shown the thermometer.

3:20 AM  
Blogger M said...

Just wanted to say that the photos are gorgeous - will visit Lisa's blog later.

Hmm, procrastinating - don't I know all about it... in fact I'm doing it right now! Instead of studying this weekend, I was too busy not doing it...

Heck it's lovey spring in Sydney and just too gorgeous for words!

Have a nice day :)

8:02 AM  
Blogger celisnebula said...

Oh my, what a beautiful photograph! I'll definitely be poking around to see if I can afford some of her work (just more clutter to add to the chaos that is my life).

Cats on the bus, now that is one thing I've not tried -- trust me, dragging a kid around the London Underground for a vacation was hard enough, a cat would be too wiggly.

7:52 PM  
Blogger Neep said...

I love the photo.

I'm also a kiwi, so I don't get to go and check it out.

I agree with the others, ipod before rent. My sister got one recently, even though she is a student with no job. Grrrr.

5:04 PM  
Blogger chokolat said...


You're an amazing actress but if you're also serious about this writing thing (and judging by your blog addiction you are), you should touch base with Julie Lacey at Shaftesbury at some point. I know Julie is a fan of your thespian talents and part of her job involves identifying new writing talent. TV writing can be annoying but also lucrative ($7K for a half hour script - 30 pages (and much more lucrative if you develop your own series)). Just something to think or procrastinate about.

8:37 AM  
Blogger Deb said...

As a student photographer, I'm getting a real kick out of Lisa's blog... Some seriously cool stuff there- very very inspiring!

I'm so surprised you took your cat on the bus!! My two cats can barely handle a 3km car trip to the vet. They end up meowing at the top of their lungs and eventually pooing themselves in complete distress... (which of course makes me feel like a monster!) the poor wee things.

Way to go Rufus! What a little trooper :)

8:38 AM  

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