Tuesdays and Wednesdays ROCK /
Hi everybody! I have been out of commission lately because things have been so crazy busy here in New York. I haven't even bought boots yet. And let me tell you...I need boots.
So here's the thing:
The show is going really well -- the audiences have been very responsive and the play has been well attended so far.
BUT! Tonight (Tuesday) and tomorrow night (Wednesday) are looking a little...um...lean, as far as ticket sales go.
If you live in/near New York and plan on seeing the play anyway...COME TONIGHT! OR TOMORROW NIGHT! You will have lots of prime seating to choose from.
If you have already seen the show and you enjoyed it, help spread the word and send everyone you know!
If you have already seen the show and you didn't enjoy it, send everyone you hate! Those jerks deserve it!
Please help support this production of Humans Anonymous at Theater 54 in New York City.
"...a generous sprinkling of laugh out loud lines..."
"A deeper, smarter, indie Friends."
"Best of the Fringe, 2006."
I promise to return to blogland soon...
...just as soon as I get some sleep. And some boots. Not necessarily in that order.
p.s. You can buy tickets at theatermania.com.
Yes! Go! Everyone! It's so worth it!
I'm gonna be there with a friend (so, two tickets sold!) on Saturday, November 10th. Can't wait as friends who saw it on the 3rd said it was great.
Hope to be able to see you/chat a couple minutes after the play. Couldn't do the Sunday convention - but Paul McGillion had great things to say about you on Saturday :) - so missed you there.
glad to hear things are going well. I was going to jet over the NYC but turns out that graduation is expensive and slap bang in the middle of your show so no money to spare for tickets/flight/accomodation etc....perhaps when it comes over to the UK ;-)
Good luck in your performances.
Yay, you went with "heartbreaking comedy!" I always thought that was the best description for it!
Sadly I am nowhere near New York, except in the most relative of ways, so I can't help ya out.
Kick some ass! And send me something for my reading series, dammit!
Ryan-ex of PHARK
I sooo wish that I could go to the play! I bet it will do fantastically. If I was in the country, I would definitely attend.
Love the poster!!
I came to see the play Sunday night and then was telling my mom about it (among other people - I've been doing my best on the word-spreading front).
Anyway, Mom thought it sounded interesting and I said I thought she would like it so since the tickets aren't particularly expensive and I really did enjoy the play and it's convenient to both our offices, I just bought two more tickets for the 16th about an hour or so ago. (Yes, I am the Queen of the run-on sentence.) I would come tonight or tomorrow for moral support, but as much as I loved the play I'm afraid that at some point it would cross over into stalking, and frankly, I'm much too lazy to be a stalker.
I so wish I could go, best wishes for success from NB, Canada!
Will be there this Sunday night, bringing along at least one friend. Alas, that's the end of a wedding weekend so most friends are out of commission; I'll forgive the bride and groom for getting out of town, but I'll continue to see if I can drum up others to come along that night!
Glad to hear that the run's been so good so far!
Hi Kate,
You were FANTASTIC at the Stargate convention on Sunday. Thank you so much for coming and doing autographs and photo ops and talking to us.
I saw the special performance of your play on Sunday night. I must say, it really really touched me. I found myself in shock and in tears as I could relate to Ellen. Except I didn't know it was fear that was holding me back. It's been a long time since I've had an emotional response like that.
Best of luck with the rest of your performances. Human's Anonymous was a great first play and the perfect ending to my first time in the NYC area!
Curse my lack of fundage! I'd be willing to fly up to NYC for you and watch the play.
Really need more money.
Break a leg!
I'm sulking because I haven't won the lottery so thus cannot aford the flight from my city to the big apple!!
Wishing you a very succesfull run!
Best of luck, Kate! Were I anywhere in the vicinity of New York (in a more than "most relative of ways" as ryan said) I would most definitely be there.
I hope you've 'acquired' one of those posted to have framed!
I was blown away by the play on Sunday night (when I came with the Stargate crowd). So much so, that I'll be back for more tomorrow with some non-stargate friends. Count me as one of those near tears, and that is never easy with me.
Can't wait to see it again! Everyone must go see it!
If I win the lottery, rest assured that I will be on the first plane over there for your play.
But until that day, you'll have to be content with more applause from abroad. *claps wildly*
Hi Kate! Here's hoping the Tues & Weds performances had many or all of the seats filled by showtime!! **fingers crossed** And good luck finding some boots! :-)
Jennie in Oregon :-)
P.S. Which means I'm toooo far away from NY to use one of those seats myself. :-(
I didn't realize the show was up! I will try to come see it - the reading was great and I would love to see your work in full staged form.
Maybe I'll get my act together and make brownies again.
Really wish I could come see the play, Kate. But lack of funds and illness is keeping me away. Best of luck with the run and here's to hoping for wonderful turn outs.
Yeah, you had to mention boots, didn't ya? I have to get some soon too. Hope you find some great ones.
I wish I could've afforded to attend when I was in Secaucus for the Con. I just didn't have the extra 80 to make the play else I would have. :( Looks like the reviews you're getting are good, though, so that is wonderful!
Hope you're enjoying NYC as well. Good luck with those boots. ;)
Hi, Kate!
First off, you were wonderful at the Secaucus convention last week. You had a lot of really interesting things to say and you were really funny! It was an absolute pleasure to meet you.
I finally got to see the play last night, and it was absolutely incredible! I haven't laughed that much since, well, A Dog's Breakfast for starters! The characters were all unique, funny, and captivating in their own way, and the writing was incredible. I haven't been to a play in a long time, so this was a real treat. I highly recommend that everyone who can see it go...I would see it a second time if I could! Good luck with the rest of your performances, future projects, and the boots. Also looking forward to Miller's Crossing in a few weeks!
Brian ("With an I" ;-))
I hope you aren't affected by the stage hands strike, are you? If not, then this could be wonderful exposure for the play.
Glad to see the ongoing wonderful reviews! Congrats!!
Posting again to let you know that I was at Sunday night's performance along with a couple of friends, and all three of us had a great time and laughed so hard. We'd all been at a reading of some friends earlier that night, and as we sat there gossiping during intermission I was struck by the similarities between how I felt about your play and their readings, an odd kind of "oh, hey, I know that person and aren't they totally awesome?". Blame the blog, I suppose, and the way it can engender familiarity. Anyway, I mostly just wanted to let you know what a nice night we had and thank you for that! Enjoy the rest of your run, and as mercenary as it is I do hope that you end up with more audience thrown your way by the strike. Have you thought about taking some of the little cards around to area hotels in case they have concierge or desk staff with disappointed theater-goers to redirect?
So, it occurs to me that, despite having an entire conversation with you tonight (11/14) AND gifting you with a plastic dinosaur that may be an Allosaurus or a T-Rex, depending on how many fingers it had, I don't believe I ever introduced myself.
I'm Kait. Pronounced the same as you, spelled differently, obviously. And I know I said I loved the show, but I'll take a moment to once again say that I really loved the show. Quite a bit. I may actually try and convince my cousin to go with me again before Sunday. We shall see.
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Hi Kate!!! I have found you here finally...What can I say? Good luck for your show and...break a leg or "in bocca al lupo!"...
Have a lot of fun!!!
Fabrizio (from Lucca...)
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Hey Kate, this is Jessica, I went and saw the play on Thursday the
15th and discussed with you the possibility of getting the play emailed to me for my feminist theatre class. If you are able my email is socceranme@aol.com.
Thank you.
Jessica **
Come back to your english roots! *rolls eyes sarcastically* and do the show over here! I so badly want to see it but as it turns out, flights to NYC just to see the best show on earth are pretty expensive! ):
On a plus side, i'm looking forward to another amazing double-hewlettised episode of Atlantis this friday!
Keep blogging! We are having withdrawal symptoms here!
Lotsarrr piratey love!
[j]oe x
If I lived in New York, or even America I would go! Stupid England.
Yay, see you at Pegasus 3!
Hope things are going well (prods you to blog :p)
I hope the theatre run went well. Very pleased to hear the news that you are on the guestlist for Pegasus 3! Really looking forward to seeing you again :)
Congrats again on the NYC run, hoping you had a blast and all went well...just seen the P3 announcement, so here's to more stories of merriment and 5am bedtimes...you know who you are ;-)
Great to hear you'll be at P3!!
I hope the NY run went well!! :D
Horrah! Happy you are going to Wolf Pegasus 3 again this year.
See you there!
Good luck with the show too.
Hi !
It's been so long now I haven't let you a comment !
Glad to hear you're fine !
Actually I has thinking of u because in one hand I've just seen the fantastic "Miller's crosing" and in the other hand I tydied up my room and noticed on my wall a print paper on which I've printed the answer u made to me in French (useless to say that I was so happy to have this privilege...!)
Voilà, c'était juste un petit coucou d'une admiratrice pas très assidue ces derniers temps ! Trop de boulot !
Gros bisous de France!
My mail: dsso17@yahoo.fr
Just saw Miller's Crossing, squee! I won't say anymore to avoid spoilers, but you were great, so was your brother (but you don't have to tell him I said that).
Bring back Jeannie for season 5!
Just watched "Miller's Crossing", you were awesome!!
Take care!
you were so good in "miller's crossing"... and so beautiful!!
congratulations, it was another wonderful appearance in sga!
i hope the play's doing well...
You're awesome.
Hi again, Kate! Just wanted to say that Miller's Crossing was a great episode, and that you were wonderful in it! I hope they bring you back as often as they can. Take care!
Just watched "Miller's Crossing". Wanted to let you know that I thought it was absolutely FANTASTIC! You and David are so great together.
Just seen Miller's Crossing which was just awful........ly good. Here's to the writers being able to find many more brother/sister senarios to write about.
::poke poke poke::
Kaaaaate. Kaaaaaaaaate. Come back to us! (I was too shy to go up to you after seeing the play last month, and now I wish I had. Pout.)
How'd the Shakespeare audition go?
You were great in Miller's Crossing, btw!
hey kate!!!!!!!
'millers crossing' was fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
woohooo for P3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cant wait!!!!!!
I would love to see the show, perhaps if I get to the US and NYC I will check it, but I dont know when this will happen. I hope you are doing fine. :) And it would be awesome if you could be a regular in SGA. :) Greetz from Hungary. :)
Hey Kate what is "Don't Wake Me" about?
Gooood mooorning, Kate!
Have you had a good night?
Happy birthday and all the best!
Many presents and a good time with the people you love.
Greetings from Germany
Happy birthday!
happy birthday kate!!!!! definite birthday drinks for you at p3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday, Kate! Hope your day was filled with fun!
Merry Christmas and a happy news year!
I hope you had a hard working Santa.
Greetings from Germany,
PS:Check your Mails!
Did you get your boots yet? :p
Hope you had a nice Christmas, and have a happy Hogmanay!
See you on the flip side (...at P3)
Hi Kate
Just wanted to wish you a belated Birthday, and Christmas.
Wishing you all the best in the new year.
What part are you playing in the Timmies commercial?
Have a great one
A belated Happy Christmas and best wishes for the New Year!! :D :D
Hi, this is my first time at your blog.
I would have loved to have seen your play, alas I live all the way down in Australia. Perhaps it will become uber successful and travel, and perform in the Sydney Opera House ^^ Then I would definitly make my way up to see it.
XD Happy New Year, from a soon to be regular, NeKo
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