Thursday, May 03, 2007

La la la la Vacation/

So...the play (Noble Parasites) closed on Sunday afternoon and I moved into a new, temporary apartment on Monday morning. On Tuesday I nursed a hangover and some aching muscles, on Wednesday I went to my friend Amy's birthday party in the park, and today...I'm drinking coffee and catching up on everything I haven't been doing for the last six weeks (including blogging), other than taxes, which I'm simply not ready to face yet.

First off: thanks so so so much to those of you who came to see the show. I really appreciate it. Thanks also to Dianne, Shelley and the Yahoo gang (that sounds vaguely dirty) for the flowers and wristbands. There were a few shows that had larger audiences, so I'll give credit where credit is due and thank all you Stargatatic Stargatonian Stargations for showing up. To those of you who live in England...I understand why you couldn't be there. Have some fish and chips for me instead. And some British chocolate. Soooooo gooooooooood. Sooooo daaaaaaaaamn goooood. Flaaaaaake bars. Currrrrly Wurrrrrly.

Sorry. I was having a chocolate moment there.

So, I am currently unemployed and happy about it. I do have a week of work coming up in June (hint hint nudge nudge wink wink) but until then, I am enjoying my little writing-filled vacation.

I wish I had something interesting and groundbreaking to talk about. Even just some news would do. News. News news news. Oh! I think I may have brought carpet beetles from my last apartment to my current apartment. AWESOME. Apparently, they live off cat hair, which means that they must be the happiest carpet beetles in Canada, because Rufus sheds like a monkey. (Do monkeys shed a lot? I have no idea why I just said that. I couldn't think of a single animal that sheds. I'm going to order another coffee now and splash it on my face.) Martha doesn't shed much, but she wrestles with Rufus and then drops clumps of his hair everywhere for a few hours afterward. She also has no interest in killing carpet beetles. Rufus plays with the carpet beetles but has no claws so the carpet beetles usually win. I can't kill anything because I am a freak of nature with a healthy dose of Catholic guilt (even though I'm not Catholic) so it is possible that I don't actually have a carpet beetle problem. I may just have one carpet beetle. One carpet beetle who never gets killed and who, quite frankly, is a bit of a show-off.

Other news? Uh...I'm writing a short play for the Slaw Festival in Cabbagetown, which should be fun, and three of my wonderful and talented friends will be acting in it. I'm directing for the first time, which I'm hoping will nicely suit my overwhelming bossiness.

Oh! I have BIG NEWS! I forgot! I'm going to move to Vancouver for three months this summer and see how I like it. If I like it as much as I think I like it, I may move there, although I can't imagine living in a different city from all my friends. New starts are scary, huh? Maybe I'll miss Toronto and realize that this is actually where I want to live. Anyway...the goal for September is a decision of some kind. I'll be living in Kitsilano for the summer with my friend Moose (that's not his real name and he's not actually a Moose) so I'm very excited about that.

I'm late for my 6 o'clock meeting. Aaaaaah! Shoot!

Hope you are all well and happy. I am!



Blogger salivia_baker said...

You could invited some spiders that take care of the beetles. so nature takes care of itself and you have a clean conscience :)

7:10 PM  
Blogger dr_dredd said...

I came! Woohoo!

Excellent show. My friends and I were in town for a medical convention, and we all went. As we left, we all talked about what a powerful message it was.

7:11 PM  
Blogger Kirsten said...

Awwww! Kits is gorgeous! I have a couple of friends who live there. It's the one place I've ever found where I'm actually motivated to get out and go running, because it's so pretty running along the waterfront. I guess I just need pretty things to distract me from OMG THE PAIN OF RUNNING.

I saw a seal there once. Good times!

7:17 PM  
Blogger lizzy said...

I have to say I REALLY wanted to see the play,but Phoenix is way too long of a drive (well, alone and none of my friends are ever up for Canadian Road Trips, silly friends!) But all I have heard about it has been completely fabulous.

Also, hint hint? SQUEE?

7:51 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Promise me you'll eat at Sophie's Cosmic Cafe. I ate there when I visited Vancouver and loved it!

8:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, it is good to see you taking some time off. and to see you here again. I was missing your posts.
and I wonder what that week in June is all about? maybe a return to Atlantis? One can only hope.
Be well and God bless!

8:17 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Being the noble, self-sacrificing type that I am, and given that I couldn't make the trip to Canada to support your play, I have just eaten the better part of a large bar of Cadbury's chocolate on your behalf. Yup. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! :)

Interesting news about June (say no more, know what I mean?) and exciting, if scary, news about the possible move! Big decisions like this are always scary. I moved a coupla hundred miles from rural Wales to big city Northern England (I did it for love - it worked out okay.. I married the guy! :D) and it was a huuuge decision - I ended up trying to be sensible and made a list of the pros and cons of staying where I was or moving. In the end you gotta go with what feels right I think but making the list was a good aid to the decision making process.. and at least an attempt to be logical about it! :D

9:56 PM  
Blogger Jessie said...

I've read a couple reports of Noble, and you did awesome, well, according to them there people that could get up to Canada. (Me? Not so much. Poor, poor, pitiful me.)

Enjoy your short break! Maybe you can find humane traps for the critters that are invading. Well, says the person who can't figure out a way to kill some weird flying bug thing. And mum's the word about June. I see nothing, hear nothing, know nothing (well, actually, that's not a lot different than everyday now, is it?)

Oh! And as for moving, go you! I think you'll like the change of pace, if nothing else to see what else is out there. What's gonna happen with your kittens? Will they truck on with you, or stay at a friends? Of course, you can totally ignore the random person's questions, just thinking it's never fun to be on the end of a cat's ire. If you leave them, a nice bribe would be in order. Hey, cats are bribe-able creatures. Or mine might just be slightly odd. *points to avatar thing...if it's still there* Mine's a liitttle slow, so you know, grain of salt. Just thinking that it wouldn't be fun to hear a news story of "Actress clawed to death by annoyed cats. Neighbors say she had it coming."

10:59 PM  
Blogger Linz said...

I wish that I could have visited Toronto and seen the play :( Glad it went well though! Let us know of any other upcoming plays or things we can come see you in.
Hope you rid the carpet beetles. I think they have infested my current apartment as well! Those evil tiny bugs! Hope Martha and Rufus whack them down, hehe, love your cat stories! Pictures anytime soon?
As for moving and new starts, I have to say that I am about to move (less than 10 days actually!) 1000 miles away from my friends and family and current university (with amazing professors) to a new place and a new school and a new life so I completely understand your nervousness! Hope living there for 3 months helps you with the decision :)

11:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say I don't know if it has been addressed or not but you move more then most men I know change their underwear. (Grew up with three brothers I know.)But this is coming from the person who lived in the same place for virtually ever.

I also have to tell you I'm a little slow these days after my second child but it took me reading the comments to figure out what the hint hint wink wink you know what I mean was. But I think it was because you are just that good.

Monkeys shed like crazy. I mean uber crazy or so I 'm told.

Have fun in the new city.

11:49 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It's very exciting that you're moving out to Vancouver! I'm from the Toronto area and thinking about moving to BC as's so daunting, and so far away! I wish you the best of luck, though!

Noble Parasites was fantastic, great job! Good luck on your new directing enterprise! (Also very excited about the *hint hint* little bit of work coming up this summer!)


11:57 PM  
Blogger Kath in Baltimore said...

I thought the play was awesome! I really loved it and it was great meeting you again. (We were there last Sat.)

Good luck in Vancouver! I hear it's beautiful there...when it isn't raining constantly like it was when we were there in March. Hope you enjoy your down time. :)

12:24 AM  
Blogger melissapaakkonen said...

I'm glad your show went well! The company that I'm working for (I'm their techincal director)starts our next show on Wedneady the 9th, and then not even a month later, we're doing another one. One thing I can say, is we ALL love our matter what the crowd.

Good luck with directing! I know the first time I directed a show I nearly cried afterwards!


12:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yay! for the big news! Moving away from something familiar is hard. But hey - you've got the big bro just right down the road basically. That should make things easier. And you will really like this part of the world. A more beautiful, gentle summer you will never find.

As to the 'lack of the arts' thing you mentioned in your previous post, I really hope you'll consider coming down to Seattle to join in our rather thriving theater scene. Going to see a play is a very common past time here in this city, and if you're going to be just 'up north', I hope it wouldn't be a lot of trouble to come down and see what there is to offer here. We definitely have a strong arts & culture life in this town.

Good luck with everything! And a big SQUEEEEEEEEEE for the super sekrit thing in June! Oh, and maybe David could make his next music video a 'family affair'. LOL


1:16 AM  
Blogger Adm.Polli said...

I am a little bit disappointed by you. No greetings to Germany. Don't you think there are also Germans who wanted to watch your play in Kanada?
BTW: Do you still check your e-mails? (eight email addresses, I know) - I don't hear anything at all of you. Now where you have "vacation", you have a little bit more time to answer.
Unemployment - I wished I could be glad about it... :o(

Springlike greetings from Germany

Yours, Stefan

============in German============:=

Ich bin ein wenig enttäuscht von Dir. Keine Grüße nach Deutschland. Glaubst du nicht, dass es auch Deutsche gibt die Dein Stück in Kanada anschauen wollten?
BTW: Rufst Du noch Deine E-Mails ab? (acht E-Mail-Adressen, ich weiß) - Ich höre gar nichts mehr von Dir. Jetzt, wo du "Urlaub" hast, hast du ein bisschen mehr Zeit zu antworten.
Arbeitslosigkeit - Ich wünschte, dass ich mich darrüber freuen könnte... :o(

Frühlingshafte Grüße aus Deutschland

Dein Stefan

2:21 AM  
Blogger Francy said...

If you only have one beetle, than it's not a problem. It's when you have two, and they like each other, that the problems may arise!!! *LOL*

Kits is indeed beautiful, like Kristen says. And I know exactly what you mean, "new starts are scary". I'm doing the exact same thing, spending the summer in Vancouver and see if I like it so much I'd move there. Only I still have to find a place to stay, so you're one step ahead of me!

Hey, hope you DO move to Vancouver, so then your plays will be in Vancouver, and I'll be there to come and see them! *LOL*

2:22 AM  
Blogger Jen, heart traveler said...

Oh noes, Vancouver's even farther than Toronto! Then I definitely would have a bigger problem seeing one of your plays. Have fun anyway over there, whatever you're there for ;)

Getting a new start can be difficult, but it's something I did for college. I was sick of the same old people and attachments, so I went 1,000 miles away (from Illinois) to Massachusetts. I knew absolutely no one, and was on my own in a state I'd never really been to. The thing that assured me, was knowing that I'd managed to built a life for myself before (even if it was just highschool) and I could do it again. I know you can do whatever you aspire to.

About those carpet beetles, I'm surprised your cats haven't gone after them. My dog and my best-friend's cat will go after anything that moves, including tiny things. Those bugs especially creep me out *shudder* I had some bad childhood experiences with them and my dollhouse...

Well, if I ever make it to one of your plays or a con, I'll bring you chocolate =) I'm quite a fan of it myself!

2:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the week in June is known, mayhaps you could be added to our 3monthly "send good chocolate to americans and canadians" list which has given us a wonderful rapport with our local post office...

2:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salut !!!
Trop contente de voir enfin des nouvelles de toi!
Nouvel appartement, fin de la pièce, voyages en perspective, chocolat, café...tu te laches ! C'est vrai que c'est cool les vacances (enfin si on peut dire vacances quand on n'est entre deux jobs...).
Reposes toi bien, éclates toi bien et c'est peut-être l'occasion de reprendre des cours de langue ;P ? Pour le français ne cherche pas trop loin ! Je sais que je suis lourde avec ça mais ça me ferai tellement plaisir ! lol ! (je rêve éveillé...)
Bref !
Enjoy your hollidays !
Bisous from France

2:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck with the temporary/possibly permanent move to Vancouver!
Squee for your *hint hint* work in June! :D :D Hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation till then!!

8:02 AM  
Blogger Independent Film News said...

Hey Kate!

You mentioned me in the blog!!!
*jumps around like a lunatic*

I'm so glad that you liked the flowers. We were'nt sure if you had received them or not, lol!!

Good luck on the temporary move to Vancouver, I hope that you like it there and good luck with writing the script.

And, ofcourse, the time in June
*Has no idea what that could be.....*

The website is coming along well. I've had a few people say they would love to help design the logo banner and i've seen one of them and OMG its gorgeous.

Plus, if you tell me what your favourite english chocolate is, i'm sure I could send you some :)

9:11 AM  
Blogger Independent Film News said...

Forgot to mention that I am sooooo happy that you spelt my name right!!!!

No one ever does, they always forget the second 'e'.


9:14 AM  
Blogger Misty aka s_aurius said...

YAY for vacation!! I can't wait for mine, unfortunately it's not until the first of September (Dragon*Con!!!!). So unless I quit my job before then I'll just have to keep working. :p

I'm so excited about the *thing* in June. Joe Mallozzi has dropped a couple of hints in his blog as well. :D

9:46 AM  
Blogger Becky L said...

I'm glad you were able to meet some of your fans. I know they all had a great time meeting you! And everything I've read has been wonderful, I wish I could have gotten there to see it. :(

Good luck on:
1) The play you are writing and directing. Directing for the first time, that sounds exciting.
2) Moveing out to Vancouver for the summer. I hope you have a great time and a lot of fun.
3) The work in June. Could be fun!

11:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did see Noble Parasites and enjoyed it. My two sister and I saw it.
Wow Vancouver, any chance of appearing in another Stargate Atlantis Episode? Loved the episode of McKay and Mrs. Miller.

Have a super summer.
Peace and Hugs

12:06 PM  
Blogger vorador said...

Hi Kate!

Happy to see you're happy lol..

I hope that everything goes alright with the new move.

Anyway, that week in June... There's any chance it got anything to do with "...Crossing"? :p

Once again, I'm sorry I couldn't see your play.


12:20 PM  
Blogger Paula said...

I am muchly squeed that you're dropping hints about something that Joe's been dropping hints about. (You're not the only one who can ramble.) SQUEE!

As for moving? It's worth a shot. I will advise, however, that you make sure you keep the weekend six weeks after your move clear. I have made completely-new-don't-know-a-soul move six times in my life. And every time, I've had a total melt down six weeks after moving.

My friends who were also in the government biz like me have reported the same phenomenon. I think your adrenaline just runs out by then.

But you come out of that weekend and it's like you're raring to go and totally loving your new place.

You should write a play about it, or something.

As for the beetles? There's a reason why I put aside money for a good exterminator. Honestly. I can't bring myself to kill a fly. ::shudder::

Have a great move. Keep us up-to-date on "the haps." And someday, I will actually be able to come check out one of your productions, Madame Director. (You totally need to buy a bullhorn. I'm just sayin'....)

1:54 PM  
Blogger abharding said...

Thanks for the update. Sounds like you have a lot you are doing.

Good luck with the temporary move. Vancouver seemed like a great place the few times I have visited. Very pretty and green (a lot like the Washington DC area were I live) and given that a number of shows film there you might be able to join the group of actors that seem to be in just about every sci-fi show filmed there.

4:51 PM  
Blogger dead-blog said...

It's great to see a new post from you!! ^_^

I really wish I could have made it to the play, but it's a long walk from Nova Scotia to Ontario. My friend went and said it was awesome and you were awesome, and so, I will take her word for it and wish I could have seen it.

Hey, if Vancouver doesn't work out for you (good grief, think of all the rain! it won't be so bad in the summer, but come fall and spring, you'll be wading. that's all I remember about living there - water.) try Halifax! Pretty ocean, totally walkable city(if you don't mind a few hills and like pretty scenery), a quickly growing arts community... It could really be quite fabulous.

Have you tried catching the carpet beetles in glass jars and letting them go outside? That would be better than killing them. (My dad tried that with mice once, when he and my mum were living in... I dunno. Scarborough or something like that; but the mice just kept coming back. Maybe carpet beetles aren't that smart, even if they are showoffs.)

Good luck with the writing; I've hit writer's block myself, so I'll try to live vicariously through you, ;P

Take care, and give the kitties a scritch for me. :)

Your Nova Scotian Fan,
Ayla McKay

5:09 PM  
Blogger Klo M said...

Glad to hear the play went well!
Just thought I'd say that I'm about to do a mail out of chocolate to Australia, and adding another envelope wouldn't be a problem, so if you have a PO Box or work address or something and you want anything, just drop me a line
( and tell me what you fancy. No-one should ever be without curly wurlys. Ever. I'm also finding the shortcake dairy milk to be delicious and in high demand with my out of country friends *grins*
Anyway, just thought I'd offer.

5:54 PM  
Blogger crazymom said...

I don't have beetles, but I do have ants. Again. We thought we had them beaten, but then it rained and rained, and they came up looking for dry ground and kitchen. I hate them!

I hope the new apartment has better neighbors than the last one.

I have to find my high school diploma for a job application. I sort of remember seeing it about 20 years ago. Why do they need my diploma?? I'm over 40 and have a college degree, and they want my diploma? I think it's a test.

6:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bloody blogger isn't letting me log in. It's Red Phoniex

Hey Kate. Been a while since we've heard from you. Glad everything seems to be okay. good luck with directing, should be a fun experience. Sorry i couldn't see the show but the flake i had early was really nice ;) (had to have dark though *sigh* I miss beening able to have milk chocolate). So i guess Jeanie is coming back :D Yay!!!! Can't wait to see season 4. Good luck with everything!

6:53 PM  
Blogger Trialia said...

Moving for the summer? Darn! If you're still gonna be around the Toronto area in July, you should come to Polaris. Then I can drop some of the aforementioned English chocolate in your direction. ;D I don't mind bringing it with! Gotta love Cadbury's. ♥

7:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I could've seen it but being down here in Nova was a bit too far away. I am now hooked on British chocolate bars and the Flake Bars are soooooo good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have a independent grocery store here in Halifax called Petes Frootque and they import British food and stuff, it's great we can get British chocolate and Walkers...yummmmm
I myself am thinking about moving out to Vancouver and that is a loooonnnnggg way from Nova Scotia. But it might not pan out....well see. I must say that I enjoy your blog and laugh my A** off!! Is there anyword on when A Dogs Breakfact is going to be released? I watched the preview on the website and almost fell off my chair laughing.

8:40 PM  
Blogger Teknikal said...

welcome back to fantasmical and wonderful world of blogging!!you were missed!!!!
congrats on the play!!!!would have been there in a heartbeat..if i wasnt living in ireland!!!!
enjoy the time off!!!! veg!!!!

8:24 AM  
Blogger Brian Taylor said...

Moving to Vancouver, even for 3 months sounds cool. So I hope everything works out and you decide to stay permanently.

I'm one of those people who live in England, so I was unable to make your play - sorry. You'll just have to do a tour in this country. Promise I'll drum up support!!

And I agree with your assessment of British chocolate, although you missed out the best one - Cadbury's Dairy Milk. Which must be chilled for 5 hours in fridge and then left to melt on the tongue. Not that I'm addicted you understand...

Mmm, do you think it would melt if I sent some through (thru) the post? :)

3:09 PM  
Blogger Emma said...

Nice as ever to read a new comment...moving to Vancouver, I hope everything goes smoothly for you.

I'm thinking or relocating from the South coast of England to Wales (not quite as far, but far enough) Got any tips about starting from scratch?

I'm now off to eat some per ordered...that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

6:40 PM  
Blogger [J]oe said...

Chocolate moments! It seems most of my very English college life is a chocolate moment :)

Very secretive happenings going on in June, i am hoping it's what I thinking :D ha combat your secretness with mine *nehhs* though in this case no one cares!

Wow moving again, maybe you can take the one beetle with you so Rufus can bat an eye at it some more.

Welcome back to the world of procrastination and time wasting :) we missed you

Loves x


8:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Moving to Vancouver? Are you going there in support of your brother?

We'll miss you on the East Coast. I was hoping you'd pop down to NYC again. Not that you can't do that from Vancouver, but it was just easier to do from Toronto.

~watcher652 (can't seem to logon anymore now that google took over blogger).

3:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice to hear from you again!

you haven't mentioned it but you know this right?

seriously, you did know about this right?


12:54 PM  
Blogger crazymom said...

You know, I think your experiences with trying out Vancouver (and a major move in general) would make excellent blog material. I think it would be very interesting to hear your impressions of Vancouver, trying to settle in, etc. There might even be a play in it!

11:09 PM  
Blogger Fran said...

Hi Kate!
Just thought I would pop in and say "Happy Monday" to you.

Any chance of you apprearing on another SGA Episode? Loved you on McKay and Mrs Miller.

Yes saw Noble Parasites and loved it. You were great.

Peace and Hugs


1:29 PM  
Blogger Lexa said...

Thanks for the UnSpun WikiPlay link. I have not written so much in years! Oh, and your blog rocks like a discount canoe, which was why I came in the first place.

1:31 PM  
Blogger LilFerret said...

OMG Vancouver rocks. Ok, I've been there once, and technically spent like 6 hours shopping...with the rest of the time split between Burnaby and the island...but STILL! YAY! You'll be closer to CA. heh. No! I am not a stalker. But you might attend Stargate cons more often. wink wink nudge nudge.

10:18 PM  
Blogger BethyNYC said...

Hi Kate! Enjoy your vacation! I wish I could have gone to see Noble Parasites, but rest assured, should you come to NYC again, I will be there!

And a question: do you have a specific technique for revision when you write a play? How much change generally happens for you after a table read when you get to actually hear the words from someone else.

Thanks so much!

10:49 AM  
Blogger Edward4th said...

have you given the carpet beetle a name yet? John, Paul, George or Ringo?

3:57 AM  
Blogger Patricia said...

I looooove Vancouver. I'd move there if it were for the whole finding-employment-in-a-foreign-country issue. Seeing one of your plays would be a lovely excuse to come up again.

8:53 PM  
Blogger TheDancingArchaeologist said...

Yay! A Dog's Breakfast at the Stratford-Upon-Avon Film Festival!

4:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I can't believe I haven't started commenting on your blog before now. That's about to change. :)

Remember when you came to London for Pegasus2 and you were talking with a girl about Wicked? Well, I'm not her... but I am her friend ;) I promise she's better now... and sober. ;)

Curly Wurly's huh? You know, there's a place near me that does this huge dessert that you can share, (and by share I mean "I'll take all the bits that I like and you can have the rest") that's filled with ice cream, fudge, chocolate brownie.. and they break up Curly Wurly's and throw them in there too.

And Vancouver *sigh* You definately need to move there. My cousin lived there for a year teaching English and loved it. I went on holiday across Canada last summer and I have to say that Vancouver is just the most beautiful place I've ever been to.

And on a completely random note... I'm thinking of doing a degree in Theatre Arts. What do you think? Do it? Don't do it?

3:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on moving.. eww to the carpet beetles.. be thankful they were not bedbugs... icky
I would come to see the new play.. but I think I would be pushing my luck.
BTW- thanks for the kind words and taking time to talk to me and allowing me to take pics with you.
Take care
Dianne In Nova Scotia

8:39 PM  

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