I'm a blogging machine! /
Look at that. I'm back already.
At this rate, you'll be so sick of me by next Sunday, you'll be begging for the recent days of loft-in-translationlessness, when procrastination and facebook dominated my days, and pilsner and 30 Rock dominated my nights. No more! (But mostly because my video store doesn't have Season 3 of 30 Rock yet...)
This is just a quick update, because I want to answer a question from one of the lovely people who commented on my last post (thanks for the responses, by the way. I can't believe you guys are giving me a second chance! Or, if you found me on twitter, a first chance...) Arlessiar from Germany asked about "Fancy" and about my role in it, so I though I'd give you a quick rundown of the show and post a photo (I hope I'm allowed to do that...hmm...if I get sued, I'll blame Germany).
I found this synopsis of Fancy on inbaseline.com:
"Maureen Fancy is the host of a children's TV show. On screen she is perky and happy, but off screen she deals with the complications of the adult world."
It's kind of like 30 Rock meets Mr. Rogers. The writing is PHENOMENAL. Funny and touching and charming and smart (written and co-produced by my new idol, Wendy Hopkins). I play Maureen Fancy, and my best friend Leslie is played by the hilarious Jana Peck, with whom I instantly connected. She is insanely talented and has great things in her future...mark my words...
The male lead is played by Patrick McKenna. (Yes! Patrick McKenna of Traders and Red Green fame! If I believed in "squee"ing, I would "squee" right now.) He is such an amazing man and I learned so much from working with him, even though it was only for one week. Not only is he the consummate professional -- he is NICE. And genuine. I think if this thing goes to series, we could encounter some giggling issues because he's so damn funny and I'm so damn easily distracted, but other than that, it'll be smooth sailing.
We shot the pilot in August in Vancouver, but we won't find out until March (MARCH! FIVE MONTHS! TORTURE!) if it will go to series (on CBC). I will be over the moon if it does, but even if it doesn't, it was one of the greatest work experiences I've ever had. And I learned a lot. And, more importantly...it was fun.
See you Sunday...
...or in several hours if I keep avoiding writing this damn film treatment...
Well, the summary certainly peaked my interest, and I really hope it gets picked up.
I adore Patrick McKenna; the last thing I saw him in, other than his Little Mosque appearances, was 'Getting Along Famously'(which I loved), so it's about time he did more stuff.
Wow Kate hope "Fancy" gets picked up. Wow Kate a second Blog Post from you. Cool. I too spend lots of time on Facebook and On line neglecting Projects that I have backing up, and I really ought to be doing more Karate Practicing as I will be heading into another Grading again. This time I am going for 5th Kyu (2nd Green Belt). I started writing and really ought to be doing that as well. So I am a procrastinator too.
Good luck with Fancy! You won't abandon the loft if it gets picked up, will you?
I still check on your mum's blog now and then, so I'm either very loyal, or some kind of Hewlett stalker.
Good luck. :)
Hi there, Kate,
thanks so much for answering my question, that was a nice surprise this morning when I got up, still mostly sleepwalking and barely able to decipher my friend's twitter message where she told me that you had mentioned me in your blog (and even called me lovely - good, I didn't leave a possibly long-lasting bad impression when we met at the cons in London then ;) ) and answered my question. Ok, no real early-morning-cheer because of that (impossible at 6:30am!), but close to it. At least my eyes were open after reading the blog. Helped enormously. :)
Anyway, as I said, thanks for telling us more about 'Fancy', it was hard to find anything about it on the internet when you mentioned it on twitter. Think that the project sounds very promising, and I hope that the pilot is so good/convincing/sucessful/whatever it has to be so that they'll turn it into a series. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! Good luck! Hewletts for the win! ;)
Love the costume, thanks for posting the pic!
All the best,
Cool! Best luck with Fancy, sounds like a lot of fun and I hope it goes to series.
Good luck with 'Fancy'! I really hope it turns into something. Do you know by any chance if it will air in the US if it does get picked up? Because if not, I'm going to need to learn how to hack into Canada's cable network right quick..... And by 'learn how to hack', I mean Google the name of the show and browse through the results to see if I can view the eps online. ;)
Thanks for posting a link to this blog on Twitter. You and your brother are sort of the reason I joined Twitter and have since become a tweeting machine. Thanks a lot for that by the way... Now this blog is going to keep me on the computer for even longer periods of time when I should be sleeping or working. Again. Thank you so, soooo much. :P
Anyway, I'm off to deny myself the pleasure of sleep once again so I can read past entries and try to catch up. Can't wait to see you in something again soon! I loved 'A Dog's Breakfast'! Hysterical! :D :D :D
Yay the Hewlanator is back
Your blogs are hilarious and i got kinda sad when you stopped bloggin for ages......i did keep checkin though every now and then just in case caz some of the things you right seriously pick me up if im havin a bad day, besides....you writings are just so dammn funny.
I havn't really seen you in many shows, mostly caz i'm in Australia and we seem to miss out a lot :(
.....even still i is pretty sure you get in the most awsome actor catogorie caz of you funny hilariousness..............
It's so nice to see you back to blogging again. You live such an interesting life.
And that pilot sounds hilarious. I hope it gets picked up.
I hope it gets picked up cause I would really want to see something like that. It sounds more interesting then what I'm watching now. Good luck Kate!
Hey, an update. Great!!! And wow, yes, Patrick McKenna. Loved him on Traders and Red Green. Wish more Canadian TV would come down here to the States.
Hmmm, Fancy sounds interesting...hope it does well....and that it may venture to British shores so I may actually see it.
Also...just wondering if you have any advice for a fellow writer with a bad case of 'the block'...plenty of time on my hands presently and a great big wall stopping my inner moppet being creative...grrr-arg
McKenna- that guy was hilarious as Jay Felger on Stargate SG-1. Good KIWI luck for the series pick up it sounds great!
Hey, you! Missed your blog posts, so I'm glad you're back. The show sounds awesome, and if it's picked up in Canada - well, I'll find some way to watch it in the States. And hey, working with Patrick McKenna! That's pretty excellent - he was my favorite part of Traders (don't tell David).
It sounds like a great concept for a show - crossing my fingers for it and for you! (And for it arriving in the UK too!)
Oh, Kate. Your blog brings sweet humorous nectar to my life. Sorry that it had to be put in such a creepy way... Looking forward to Fancy!
Aah I hope it's a go! It looks awesome! I'll defs watch! It'll be nice to get some Canadian television that's actually good! :-)
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