Tuesdays and Wednesdays ROCK /
Hi everybody! I have been out of commission lately because things have been so crazy busy here in New York. I haven't even bought boots yet. And let me tell you...I need boots.
So here's the thing:
The show is going really well -- the audiences have been very responsive and the play has been well attended so far.
BUT! Tonight (Tuesday) and tomorrow night (Wednesday) are looking a little...um...lean, as far as ticket sales go.
If you live in/near New York and plan on seeing the play anyway...COME TONIGHT! OR TOMORROW NIGHT! You will have lots of prime seating to choose from.
If you have already seen the show and you enjoyed it, help spread the word and send everyone you know!
If you have already seen the show and you didn't enjoy it, send everyone you hate! Those jerks deserve it!
Please help support this production of Humans Anonymous at Theater 54 in New York City.
"...a generous sprinkling of laugh out loud lines..."
"A deeper, smarter, indie Friends."
"Best of the Fringe, 2006."
I promise to return to blogland soon...
...just as soon as I get some sleep. And some boots. Not necessarily in that order.
p.s. You can buy tickets at theatermania.com.